You can develop with JavaScript directly on the EV3 in a development environment running in the browser of your choice (Firefox, Chrome, IE11, etc.). You benefit of both the power of JavaScript and the simplicity of a simple API to use the EV3 world (brick, motor and sensors) and also the XSensors.
Provide to kids that are often familiar with Scratch-like applications/games a simple way to start EV3 programmation with Gnikrap before moving towards JavaScript programming. Here again, it run on any modern browser (Firefox, Chrome, IE11, etc.)
You want to do more with your Mindstrom: Use all the sensors you already have in your devices: gyroscope (in smartphone or tablet), mouse or touch screen, webcam as if they were standard EV3 sensors ! With Gnikrap you can use the Lego sensors and motors and the XSensors (eXternal Sensors) in the same program with the same straightforward API.
See code sample for xVideo » Watch the video »
The API available is fully documented with code snippet. There is also some more real samples that are commented.
As Gnikrap is open source, you can consult, modify and redistribute the software.