A javascript development environment simple to use and powerfull for Lego Mindstrom EV3

1. About

1.1. Javascript on the EV3

Provide a simple and powerful way to program on the EV3 with Javascript.

  • Gnikrap is straightforward to use.

  • Gnikrap can be used on a computer or a tablet, in fact any device that have a modern browser (HTML5 compatible).

  • Javascript, is currently one of the more popular scripting language

1.2. Empower your device' sensors

Gnikrap give the opportunity to use the tablet sensors in the same way as if this is sensor directly linked to the EV3 device. The list of XSensors (for eXternal Sensors) available right now is:

  • xTouch: A 24 touch tactile screen that enable to remotely pilot a robot in a simple way (see The xTouch XSensor for more details).

  • XGyro: Use the gyroscope of your mobile device (eg. tablet) in order to control a robot (see The xGyro XSensor for more details).

  • xVideo: Use the webcam of any device (tablet, computer) in order to track objects (see The xVideo XSensor for more details) and make your robot react to the environment.

  • xGeo: Use the *GPS of your device (eg. tablet or smartphone) in order to send GPS coordinate to the EV3 (see The xGeo XSensor for more details).

Other XSensors that could be envisaged in the future:

  • xSound sensor,

  • other video algorithms for the xVideo sensor,

  • other modes for the xTouch sensor

1.3. Full documentation available

You are at the right place to evaluate it ! Just have look to see if it’s ok for you :-)

1.4. Why don’t use Gnikrap

Gnikrap is nice, but you’re not sure…​ Here are some element that can make you use another tool/library to program with the EV3 :

  • If you need a full featured API (access to non-Lego sensors, navigation/orientation API, etc.) or if speed execution (you plan to implement complex/CPU-intensive algorithm) is one of you key criteria, consider using a library like leJOS or MonoBrick.
    Note: Gnikrap is internally based on leJOS.

  • If you need graphical programming tools, consider using the software provided by Lego

To sum up, the two main objective of Gnikrap are:

  • Give a middle path between the Lego visual programming environment and the "complex" development environment (and associated knowledge) needed by lejos or MonoBrick.

  • Give access to the some of the sensors of your tablet/laptop/smartphone in order to leverage the EV3 possibilities and add more fun to your creations.

2. How to install

2.1. Prerequesite: Install leJOS

Before installing Gnikrap, you need to have a working leJOS firmware. Moreover, a network (either Wifi or bluetooth should have been configured.

Lejos installation
  1. Download and install leJOS as described on the page: http://sourceforge.net/p/lejos/wiki/Installing%20leJOS/[Installing leJOS

  2. Configure a network link between your computer and the EV3:

2.2. Install for Windows users

You’re lucky, you benefit of a full automated install.

  • Download the Gnikrap distribution for Windows here (file gnikrap-install-windows-<Version>.zip)

  • Unzip the distribution and launch the program insall_on_ev3.exe. This program will ask you the IP address of the EV3 and will install leJOS on the EV3.
    Note: The IP address is displayed on the screen while leJOS is installed and running.

That’s all ! You can now run Gnikrap, see Launch Gnikrap

2.3. Install for non Windows users

  • Download the Gnikrap distribution for all operating systems (install-all) here (file gnikrap-install-all-<Version>.tar.gz)

  • Upload the tar.gz file on the brick. You can upload on the brick by using the a software that implement the SCP protocol (eg on Windows: WinSCP)

  • Once uploaded, you need to connect (either with telnet or ssh) to the EV3. (eg on Windows, Putty)
    Note: The login to use is "root" and there is no password.

  • Once connected, decompress the tar.gz file with a command like: tar -xzf gnikrap-install-all-<Version>.tar.gz (Replace <Version> with the right version according to the file you have)

  • Go to the folder just created with a command like: cd gnikrap-install-all-<Version> (Here again, <Version> has to be replaced with the right version)

  • Last but not least, launch the Gnikrap install with the command: ./install.sh
    Note: If Gnikrap has already been installed, the program can prompt you to confirm the uninstallation/update of the previously installed version.

2.4. Launch Gnikrap

  • With the leJOS menu go to Programs menu click on the middle button.

  • On the Files list, select Gnikrap and click again on the middle button.

  • Select Execute program (this is the default) and click again on the middle button.

  • Duke, the java maskot is displayed with the following message: "Wait a second", …​ so just wait
    Gnikrap will be launched (it take a some long seconds).

  • Once Gnikrap was launched, you can connect with a browser (Note: Once the Gnikrap welcome screen was displayed, you have to wait a few seconds
    before being able to connect with a browser).
    Note: In order to come back to the leJOS menu, you have to stop Gnikrap by using the Gnikrap menu in the any browser connected to the brick.

If you want to have Gnikrap started automatically at the EV3 brick startup, you have to select Set as Default.

3. Quick overview

You can first have a look to video that introduce the main concept of Gnikrap: Gnikrap introduction to EV3 programming with Javascript

The main screen of Gnikrap is divided in 3 main areas:

Main screen areas
  1. The main actions and navigation are in this header.

    • The Run/Stop button enable to start the program and to stop it.

    • The "Script editor" button enable to display the work-area that enable to edit the script.

    • The "x*" buttons enable to go the work-area of the xSensors.
      The xSensors working zone are described in more details in the part: The XSensor object

    • The "Gnikrap" button give access to a small menu.

  2. The work-area contains the data for the selected navigation.
    The content of this area will change according to the current active work area. It is worth to notice that even if not displayed the work area still "work". This behaviour is important for xSensors: You can use 2 xSensors at the same time on the same device (or you can use an xSensors and edti at the same time.

  3. The notification area contains all the notification from Gnikrap (start/stop program, errors, etc.) and also the notifications of your program.

The Gnikrap menu give access to following features:

  • Stopping Gnikrap: Either stopping Gnikrap and come back to the leJOS menu or stopping (shutdown) the E3 brick.

  • Importing images: This screen give the ability to generate the code (including the image data) in order to use images within Gnikrap.

  • Documentation: Give access to an embedded version of the documentation.
    Note: In order to have the up to date version of the documentation please visit the Gnikrap site: http://jbenech.github.io/gnikrap/

  • About box: Give standard informations on licensing and author.

4. Script API

4.1. General principles

The API has been designed to be simple to use. Here are some explanation that will help you to use the API in a more efficient way:

  • Single entry point: All the API can be accessed from the a single object: ev3 (see The ev3 object for more details).

    • All the stuff physically linked to the EV3 brick can be accessed from the object: ev3.getBrick() (see The Brick object for more details).

  • Method naming convention (don’t be afraid, there is nothing exotic here) :

    • All the methods names starts with an verb.

    • All the methods starting by is always returns a boolean (i.e. true or false).

    • All the methods starting with get are getters and will return a value.

    • All the methods starting with set are setters and will set a value.

    • The API is English based.

  • All the times are expressed in milliseconds (1 second is equals to 1000 milliseconds).

  • All the angles are expressed in degrees (in general negative and positive degrees are accepted).

4.2. The ev3 object

This object is the entry point of the Gnikrap API. In other word, you can access to all the Gnikrap feature from this object.


Enable to known is everything is ok and the script can continue running not. Returns true if the script can continue running, false if the script should stop.


Returns The Brick object.


Display a message on the Gnikrap interface.
text: the text of the message to display.


Make the script sleeping for the given number of milliseconds.
timeInMs: the sleeping time (in milliseconds).


Returns a Configuration object. Enable to configure some behaviour of the scripting environment.


Returns The XSensor object for the XSensor with the given name. (The name is configured within the GUI) XSensorName: the name of the sensor.

4.2.1. Configuration object

Configuration object is for advanced usage only. If you don’t understand what it means, don’t use this object.


Enable the check of the Escape Mindstrom brick key when isOk() is called. Default is true.
checkEscapeKey: if true check the Escape key, if false don’t check nothing.


Returns true if Escape key check on isOk() is enabled, false otherwise (don’t check).


Set the time to wait when isOk() is called. Default is 0 (no waiting time).
timeInMs: the time to wait, 0 means no wait.


Returns the time to wait when isOk() is called.


Set a maximum time to wait before hard killing the script (eg. infinite loop). Default is 5000 (5 seconds).
timeInMs: the time to wait before hard killing the script. Valid values between 500 and 30000.


Returns the time to wait before hard killing the script.

4.3. The Brick object

EV3 Brick
Figure 1. 45500 Intelligent Brick - image from http://education.lego.com

This object is the entry point for all the stuff that is connected to the brick. That is to say, that if you want to access to the brick or something connected to the brick, this object will be the good starting point.


Return a medium Motor object for the given port.
port: value should be in ["A", "B", "C", "D"].


Return a large Motor object for the given port.
port: value should be in ["A", "B", "C", "D"].


Return a Color sensor object for the given port.
port: value should be in ["1", "2", "3", "4"] or ["S1", "S2", "S3", "S4"].


Return an Infra-Red sensor object for the given port.
port: value should be in ["1", "2", "3", "4"] or ["S1", "S2", "S3", "S4"].


Return a Touch sensor object for the given port.
port: value should be in ["1", "2", "3", "4"] or ["S1", "S2", "S3", "S4"].


Return Keyboard object.


Return the Led object.


Return the Sound object.


Return the Screen object.


Return the Battery object.

See the others objects in order to have sample usage of the brick object.

4.4. The Motor object

Medium motor
Large motor
Figure 2. 45502 Large Servo Motor / 45503 Medium Servo Motor - images from http://education.lego.com

On the motor API, some call wait that the operation is ended on the motor (so when the function returns the motor has ended the expected move) while other immediately returns (so the motor is still operating/moving while the function returns). The behaviour is specified for each function.


Motor rotate forward until stop(). This call immediately return.


Motor rotate backward until stop(). This call immediately return.


Stop and lock the motor. This call immediately return.


Stop and lock or not the motor. This call immediately return.
lock: is the motor locked ? Value should be in [true, false]

stop(lock, immediateReturn)

Stop and lock or not the motor.
lock: should be in [true, false]
immediateReturn: Is the function returns immediately or wait that the motor was locked ? Values should be in [true, false]


Rotate the given number of degree. This call wait the end of the motor move.
angle: the number of degree to rotate. Positive number will rotate forward, negative will rotate backward.

rotate(angle, immediateReturn)

Rotate the given number of degree. This call wait the end of the motor move.
angle: the number of degree to rotate. Positive number will rotate forward, negative will rotate backward. immediateReturn: Is the function returns immediately or wait that the motor rotation was ended ? Values should be in [true, false]


Returns true if the motors is currently moving, false otherwise.


Returns the tacho count in degree of the motor (i.e. the degree rotated since the last resetTachoCount).


Reset the tacho count to 0.


Set the speed in percent of the maximum speed.
percent: the speed in percent of the maximum speed, 100 is full speed, 1 is minimum speed.
100% is currently set to 720° per second (120 rotation per minute) for the large motor and 1080° per second (180 rotation per minute) for the medium motor.


Get the speed in percent of the maximum speed.


Set the speed in degrees per second.
degreePerSecond: the number of degrees per second that the motor should target ; one motor rotation is 360 degrees.
According to the LEGO documentation, the maximum sustainable speed is 960° per second for the large motor (i.e. 160 rotation per minute as claimed in the documentation) and 1440° per second for the medium motor (i.e. 240 rotation per minute as claimed in the documentation).


Get the speed in degrees per second.

Sample code for the Motor object:

var largeMotor = ev3.getBrick().getLargeMotor("B");

// Rotate and wait end of rotation

// Retrieve tacho
ev3.notify("TachoA: " + largeMotor.getTachoCount());
ev3.notify("TachoB: " + largeMotor.getTachoCount());
ev3.notify("TachoC: " + largeMotor.getTachoCount());

// Rotate and don't wait
var tacho;
largeMotor.rotate(360 * 3, true);
while((tacho = largeMotor.getTachoCount()) < 1000) {
  ev3.notify("Tacho: " + tacho);

4.5. The Color sensor object

Color sensor
Figure 3. 45506 Color Sensor - image from http://education.lego.com

Returns the reflected light: a value between 0 and 100.


Returns the ambient light: a value between 0 and 100.


Returns a Color object.

This sensor has 3 different modes. It is worth noting that switching from one mode to the other take time (around 250ms).

Here is two examples:

  • If you call getReflectedLight() and latter call it again (and again) there is no switch and the call to getReflectedLight() is instantaneous.

  • If you call getReflectedLight() and latter call getColor() there is mode switch and the call to getColor() will take more than 250ms. After this 1st call, successive calls to getColor() will be instantaneous.

4.5.1. Color object


Returns the color values as a number.


Returns true if no color was detected, false otherwise.


Returns true if the black color was detected, false otherwise.


Returns true if the blue color was detected, false otherwise.


Returns true if the yellow color was detected, false otherwise.


Returns true if the red color was detected, false otherwise


Returns true if the white color was detected, false otherwise.


Returns true if the brown color was detected, false otherwise.


Returns the color as a string.

Sample code for the color sensor:

Reflected light API:
var colorSensor = ev3.getBrick().getColorSensor("S1");
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  ev3.notify("Reflected light: " + colorSensor.getReflectedLight());
Ambient light API:
var colorSensor = ev3.getBrick().getColorSensor("S1");
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  ev3.notify("Ambient light: " + colorSensor.getAmbientLight());
Color API:
var colorSensor = ev3.getBrick().getColorSensor("S1");
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  ev3.notify("Color: " + colorSensor.getColor());

4.6. The IR (Infra-Red) sensor object

IR sensor
Figure 4. 45509 IR Sensor - image from http://education.lego.com

Set the channel to use with the IR sensor.
channel: the channel number, value should be in [1, 2, 3, 4].


Return the channel currently used.


Returns the distance for the IR sensor to something in cm, the value is from 0 to 100cm.


Check for remote command (beacon) buttons usage. Returns a RemoteCommandResult object.


Look for the beacon and returns a SeekBeaconResult object.

This sensor has 3 different modes. It is worth noting that switching from one mode to the other take time (around 250ms).

Here is two examples:

  • If you want to monitor the remote command, you will call getRemoteCommand() and latter it again (and again) there is no switch and the call to getRemoteCommand() is instantaneous.

  • If you want to both monitor the remote command and check the distance, you will call getRemoteCommand() and latter call getDistance(). In this case there is a mode switch and the call to getDistance() will take more than 250ms. If latter you want to call getRemoteCommand() there is again a mode switch.

4.6.1. RemoteCommandResult object

IR Beacon
Figure 5. 45508 IR Beacon - image from http://education.lego.com

Returns integer value of the remote beacon.


Returns true if the top left button was pressed, false otherwise.


Returns true if the top right button was pressed, false otherwise.


Returns true if the bottom left button was pressed, false otherwise.


Returns true if the bottom right button was pressed, false otherwise.


Returns true if beacon mode was enabled, false otherwise.


Returns true nothing was enabled, false otherwise.

4.6.2. SeekBeaconResult object


Returns true if the beacon was detected, false otherwise.


Returns the beacon bearing value from -12 to 12 (with values increasing clockwise when looking from behind the sensor. A bearing of 0 indicates the beacon is directly in front of the sensor).


Returns beacon distance in cm from 0 to 100cm. If the beacon is not found, 128 was returned.


Same as isBeaconFound() on the given channel.


Same as getBearing() on the given channel.


Same as getDistance() on the given channel.

Sample code for the IR sensor object:

Distance API:
var irSensor = ev3.getBrick().getIRSensor("S1");
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  ev3.notify("Distance: " + irSensor.getDistance());
Seek beacon API:
var irSensor = ev3.getBrick().getIRSensor("S1");
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  var x = irSensor.seekBeacon();
  ev3.notify("Beacon found: " + x.isBeaconFound() + ", bearing: " + x.getBearing() + ", distance: " + x.getDistance());
Remote command API:
var irSensor = ev3.getBrick().getIRSensor("S1");
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  var x = irSensor.getRemoteCommand();
  ev3.notify("value: " + x.getValue() +
            ", tl: " + x.isTopLeftEnabled() + ", tr: " + x.isTopRightEnabled() +
            ", bl: " + x.isBottomLeftEnabled() + ", br: " + x.isBottomRightEnabled() +
            ", bea: " + x.isBeaconEnabled() + " nothing: " + x.isNothingEnabled());

4.7. The Touch sensor object

Touch sensor
Figure 6. 45507 Touch Sensor - image from http://education.lego.com

Returns true if the sensor was pushed, false otherwise.

Sample code for the Touch sensor object

// Touch sensor API
var touchSensor = ev3.getBrick().getTouchSensor("S1");
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  ev3.notify("Push button: " + touchSensor.isPushed());

4.8. The Keyboard object


Returns a Button object for the Down button.


Returns a Button object for the Enter button.


Returns a Button object for the Escape button.
Note: The Escape button can also be checked by the isOk() function.


Returns a Button object for the Left button.


Returns a Button object for the Right button.


Returns a Button object for the Up button.


Wait for some button to be pressed. Returns the id of the button that has been pressed.


Returns a Led object. The Led object enable to pilot the LED integrated to the Mindstorm brick keyboard.

4.8.1. Button object


Returns true if the button is up, false otherwise.


Returns true if the button is down, false otherwise.


Wait until the button has been pressed.


Wait until the button has been pressed and released.


Returns the id (number) of the button.

Sample code for the Keyboard object:

// Keyboard API
var enterKey = ev3.getBrick().getKeyboard().getEnter();
ev3.notify("Press enter to continue");
while(enterKey.isUp() && ev3.isOk()) {
ev3.notify("Enter - Down: " + enterKey.isDown() + " / Up: " + enterKey.isUp());

4.9. The Led object


Disable the LED.


Enable the green LED.


Enable the red LED.


Enable the orange LED.


Set the LED blinking. Note calling once blink set the 1st mode, calling twice, set the 2nd mode and calling 3 time don’t blink anymore.

Sample code for the Led object:

// Led API
var leds = ev3.getBrick().getLed();

4.10. The Sound object


Set the sound volume.
vol: the volume, valid values are between 0 and 100.


Returns the sound volume.


Play a beep.

playTone(frequency, durationInMs)

Play a tone of the given frequency for the given duration.
frequency: the frequency of the tone in Hertz (Hz). Note: In order to be audible, use values between 50 and 2000.
durationInMs: the duration in milliseconds.

playNote(note, durationInMs)

Play the given note for the given duration.
note: the note to play.
Notes should be in ["C1"-"B7", # allowed on C, D, F, G, A] or ["Do1"-"Si6", "Do"-"Si" the same "Do3"-"Si3", # allowed on Do, Re, Fa, Sol, La].
durationInMs: the duration in milliseconds.

Sample script with Sound object:

// Sound API
var sound = ev3.getBrick().getSound();
for(freq = 50; freq < 1500; freq = freq + 10) {
  sound.playTone(freq, 5);
sound.playNote("Do", 500);
sound.playNote("Re", 500);
sound.playNote("Mi", 500);
sound.playNote("Fa", 500);
sound.playNote("Sol", 500);
sound.playNote("La", 500);
sound.playNote("Si", 500);
sound.playNote("Do4", 500);

4.11. The Screen object

The EV3 screen is monochrome (only white and black) and has a resolution of 178x128.

EV3 screen

Clear the LCD screen.

drawText(txt, x, y)

Draw some text at the given x and y position.
txt: the text to draw. If a number or something else is given, it will be converted in text before drawing.
x, y: the x coordinate of the top left corner of the text.

drawText(txt, x, y, inverted)

Draw some text (inverted or not) at the given x and y position.
txt: the text to draw. If a number or something else is given, it will be converted in text before drawing.
x, y: the x coordinate of the top left corner of the text.
inverted: if true, the text will be inverted, text will be normal otherwise.

drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Draw a line between the given points.
x1, y1: the 1st point coordinates.
x2, y2: the 2nd point coordinates.

drawRectangle(x, y, width, height)

Draw a rectangle starting at the given point with the given width and height.
x, y: the top left corner of the rectangle.
width: the width of the rectangle.
height: the height of the rectangle (under the top left corner: The rectangle is draw to the bottom of the screen).

fillRectangle(x, y, width, height)

Fill a rectangle, see drawRectangle for parameters description.

drawCircle(x, y, radius)

Draw a circle with the given center and radius.
x, y: the center of the circle.
radius: the radius of the circle.

fillCircle(x, y, raduis)

Fill a circle, see drawCircle for parameters description.

drawArc(x, y, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle)

Draw an arc that is in the rectangle given by the point, the width and the height. The arc that at the startAngle and turn for arcAngle.
x, y: the top left corner of the rectangle containing the arc.
width: the width of the rectangle containing the arc.
height: the height of the rectangle containing the arc.
startAngle: the angle where we start to draw the arc.
arcAngle: the angle of the arc draw. Example: 360 means that the full arc (elipse) will be drawn, 90 means that only a quarter of the arc will be drawn.

fillArc(x, y, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle)

Fill an arc, see drawArc for parameters description.


Returns the width of the screen (should be 178).


Returns the height of the screen (should be 128).


Returns the height of the current font (O if no font selected).

drawImage(img, x, y)

Draw an image on the screen.
img: the image to draw.
x, y: the top left corner of the image.


Decode an image from the image raw data.
data: the image raw data. Currently the only way to generate these raw data is to use import an image with the Gnikrap "Import images" feature.

buildImage(line1, line2, …​, lineN)

Build an image from the given pixel lines.
Each characters on the lines represent a pixel on the image. Space are for white pixel, any other characters for a black pixel. All the lines should have the same number of characters(/pixel)
line1, …​, lineN: the pixels of the image.

Sample script with Screen object (drawing):

// Screen API
var screen = ev3.getBrick().getScreen();


screen.drawText("Hello world !", 0, 0);

screen.drawLine(5, 20, 120, 20);

screen.drawRectangle(10, 30, 20, 30);
screen.fillRectangle(40, 30, 30, 20);

screen.drawCircle(90, 40, 15);
screen.fillCircle(130, 40, 15);

screen.drawArc(10, 70, 20, 30, 0, 180);
screen.fillArc(10, 70, 20, 30, 180, 180);


Sample script with Screen object (decode image):

// Screen API
// Decode an image from raw data (use Gnikrap 'import images' menu
var imgWorker02 = ev3.getBrick().getScreen().decodeImage("" +

ev3.getBrick().getScreen().drawImage(imgWorker02, 0, 0);

Sample script with Screen object (decode image):

// Screen API
// Build an image
var smiley = ev3.getBrick().getScreen().buildImage(
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X    XXXX             XXXX   X"
  "X     XX               XX    X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X    XX                XX    X"
  "X      XX            XX      X"
  "X        XXXXXXXXXXXX        X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"
  "X                            X"

ev3.getBrick().getScreen().drawImage(smiley, 40, 40);

4.12. The Battery object


Returns current draw from the battery (in Amps).


Returns current draw by the motors (in Amps).


Battery voltage in mV. ~9000 = full.

Sample script with Battery object:

// Battery API
var battery = ev3.getBrick().getBattery();
ev3.notify("Battery current: " + battery.getBatteryCurrent());
ev3.notify("Motor current: " + battery.getMotorCurrent());
ev3.notify("Voltage: " + battery.getVoltageMilliVolt());

4.13. The XSensor object

The XSensor enable you to use sensors of the device used to access to the EV3 brick. For example you can use the gyroscope sensor of your tablet, or you can use the webcam of your laptop.

This has two main benefits:

  • Have new sensors for free (you already have the tablet or the laptop !).

  • Use these new sensors in your program as simply as if they were Lego sensors.

There is API common to all XSensors:


Returns the name of the XSensor.


Returns the current value of the XSensor. It is IMPORTANT to note that two successive calls to getValue() can return different value if the sensor has been modified meantime.

For all XSensor values there is function isStarted() that returns true if started or false if not. If the XSensor isn’t started (i.e. isStarted() returns false), all the other methods on the value object could cause an error if they are called (and the program will be stopped). So after retrieving the value, it is important to check if isStarted() returns true before calling the other methods of the value object.

4.13.1. The xTouch XSensor

The aim of the xTouch sensor is to provide an easy to define a keyboard (24 touchs) that can be used in order to send "action" to the ev3. In some sense, it can be seens as a super beacon (see RemoteCommandResult object)


In the screen, you can:

  • Set the sensor name (in the screenshot: "joystick").

  • xTouch not started: Configure the xTouch sensor, that is to say set the buttons actions names: Click on a button and set the list of actions (comma separated) for the button.

  • xTouch started: While a button was clicked, the action was sent to the EV3 brick, while the button was no more clicked, the action is canceled. On multi-touch devices, you can click/touch several buttons at the same time.

    Note: While started, the buttons not configured (without associated actions) will be disabled.

Here are the fields available on the XTouch XSensor:

Only the active touches are available within the XSensor values.


Returns true if the XSensor is started, false otherwise.


Returns true if the touch is available, that is to say active, false otherwise.
name: the name of the touch to look for.


Returns a Touch object for the given touch.
name: the name of the touch to look for.


Returns an array of all the Touch objects available.

Touch object

Returns the name of the touch.


Returns the number of simultaneous hits for the touch (several touch can have the same name).

Sample script with xTouch XSensor:

// xTouch XSensor
// Configure the xTouch sensor with at least one touch "up"
var xTouch = ev3.getXSensor("xTouch");
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  var value = xTouch.getValue();
  if(value.isStarted()) {
    if(value.containsTouch("up")) {
      ev3.notify("You have clicked the 'up' touch !");
    } else {
      ev3.notify("Click on 'up'");


4.13.2. The xGyro XSensor

The aim of the xGyro sensor is to provide an access to the gyroscope sensor of a tablet or a smartphone. The EV3 brick can use in real-time the information for the x, y and z axis.


In the screen, you can:

  • Set the sensor name (in our example: "xGyro").

  • Set the orientation of the device (portrait/left landscape/right landscape, reverse portrait) in order to have the right values on each axis.

  • Start the xGyro sensor.

In order to avoid annoying screen rotation, think to disabled the auto rotate on your device while using the xGyro sensor.


Returns true if the XSensor is started, false otherwise.


Returns an Axis object. The angle is between -90° and 90°.
X is the front-back tilt in degrees where front is positive (also known as beta with Portrait orientation).


Returns an Axis object. The angle is between -90° and 90°.
Y is the left-right tilt in degrees, where right is positive (also known as gamma with Portrait orientation)


Returns an Axis object. The angle is between 0° (north) and 360° (Maybe not on all devices ?? Make some trials with your device).
The compass direction of the device in degrees (also known as alpha).
Note: Some devices don’t support compass (the z value will always be 0). For some devices, the compass don’t returns the angle with the north.

Axis object

Returns the angle in degrees.

Sample script with xGyro XSensor:

// xGyro XSensor
var xGyro = ev3.getXSensor("xGyro");

while(ev3.isOk()) {
  var value = xGyro.getValue();
  if(value.isStarted()) {
    var y = value.getY().getAngle();
    var x = value.getX().getAngle();

    ev3.notify("XGyro - x: " + x + ", y: " + y);


4.13.3. The xVideo XSensor

The aim of the xVideo sensor is to provide an access to the webcam of a laptop or a tablet. You can indicate one or several object that are tracked. The EV3 brick can use in real-time the position of all the tracked objects.


In the screen, you can:

  • Start the xVideo sensor. While starting the browser will certainly ask you to select the webcam to use (and to give the authorization to use this webcam).

  • Select objects to track: Click on the video to select the objects to track. You can give the name you want to the object. You can also change the name by clicking again on the object.

There is several important point to note about the tracking algorithm used:
  • Under 20 FPS (frame per seconds), the object will be often loosed (The number of FPS is displayed above the video).
    The FPS will vary according to the browser and the energy-saving policy of the device (in all cases, a maximum seems to be 60 FPS).

  • Tracking objects with an important black/white contrast is the best option (i.e. objects with with and black surface that are visible from the camera). On the opposite, tracking object with uniform colour don’t work very well.
    Here are two sample of "targets" that works quite fine: Pattern001 and Pattern002.

  • If there is something (even for a very short time) between the camera and the tracked object, the object will be loosed.

  • You can move the camera (not too quickly) without any problem.

  • Your object can move/rotate/etc. without any problem.

Note: The algorithm used was the Lucas-Kanade method (See wikipedia for more details).


Returns true if the XSensor is started, false otherwise.


Returns true if the object is available, that is to say tracked, false otherwise.
name: the name of the object to look for.


Returns a VisibleObject object for the given object.
name: the name of the object to look for.


Returns an array of all the VisibleObject objects available.

VisibleObject object

Returns the name of the object.


Returns the x value for this object (x goes from 0 to 640).


Returns the y value for this object (y goes from 0 to 480).

Sample script with xVideo XSensor:

// xVideo XSensor
// Configure the xVideo sensor to track one object called "myTarget"
var xVideo = ev3.getXSensor("xVideo");
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  var value = xVideo.getValue();
  if(value.isStarted()) {
    if(value.containsObject("myTarget")) {
      var t = value.getObject("myTarget");
      ev3.notify("Target found: [" + t.getX() + ", " + t.getY() + "]");
    } else {
      ev3.notify("Hey, select a target and call it 'myTarget'");


4.13.4. The xGeo XSensor

The aim of the xGeo sensor is to provide an access to the GPX sensor of a tablet or a smartphone. The EV3 brick can use in real-time the information for the latitude, longitude and altitude.


In the screen, you can:

  • Set the sensor name (in our example: "xGeo").

  • Start the xGeo sensor.


Returns true if the XSensor is started, false otherwise.


Returns the timestamp where the GPS coordinate has been acquired.


Returns the latitude.


Returns the longitude.


Returns the accuracy (in meter) of the latitude and longitude.


Returns the altitude (in meter).
Note: Some devices don’t support altitude (the value will always be 0).


Returns the accuracy (in meter) of the altitude.
Note: Some devices don’t support altitude (the value will always be 0).

Sample script with xGeo XSensor:

// xGeo XSensor
var xGeo = ev3.getXSensor("xGeo");
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  var value = xGeo.getValue();
  if(value.isStarted()) {
    ev3.notify("Latitude: " + value.getLatitude() + ", longitude: " + value.getLongitude()
      + ", accurancy: " + value.getAccuracy() + ", timestamp: " + value.getTimestamp());


The GPS coordinate are currently requested to be acquired every 30 seconds.
Note: This parameter could be make configurable in a future version of Gnikrap.

4.13.5. Advanced usage

You can use several xSensor at the same time. Theses sensors can be on the same device or on several devices. For example, you can run on the same device the xGyro sensor and the xTouch sensor. Another example could be to run the xGyro sensor on one device and the xVideo sensor on another device.

However it is recommended to limit to:
  • 4 active XSensor at the same time (especially for xGyro and xVideo sensor that always send new values to the EV3 brick. Sending the values of more than 4 sensors at the same time can flood the EV3 brick).

  • 2 devices connected to the EV3 at the same time _(The network bandwidth available on the EV3 brick is quite limited, especially with bluetooth, so 2 is ok, more can be challenging).

A note on the behaviour of the function ev3.isOk() while using XSensors: Even if not configured (see Configuration object) this method will automatically wait a bit while one or several XSensors are actively sending data to the brick. This waiting time will be automatically reset while there is no more active XSensors.
Note: The aim of this small waiting time is to let the EV3 CPU process the XSensors incoming values in a proper way.

5. Script samples

5.2. The standard template

We present here the "standard" template for a script within Gnikrap. This template is automatically loaded while you start Gnikrap.

// Initialization
// ... (1)

// You can also define functions here if needed
// ... (2)

// Perform calibration if needed
// ... (3)

// Main loop - This is the main program
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  // ... (4)

// Finalization
// Note: The finalization must run very fast, otherwise the script will be force-killed
// ... (5)
1 You will typically found here all the initialisation of the ev3 objects: Retrieve the sensors/motors objects, define and initialize "global" variables, perform other initializations that can take some times.
2 Here you can define functions that will be used later. It can typically be some algorithm or computation function.
3 Here you can perform calibration, Typically, these calibration (eg. default light sensor level calibration, etc.) have to be done only once at the beginning of the script.
4 Here is the main loop of your program. It is important to have ev3.isOk() in the while condition in order to be able to stop gently the script while using the "Stop" button (in fact, ev3.isOk() will returns false once the Stop button was clicked ⇒ The main loop will exit in a clean way). If you don’t put this condition, the script will be stopped abruptly (force-closed).
5 You can perform some finalization here. However theses finalization should be very quick otherwise the script will be force-closed.
Note: You can increase the time before the script was force-closed with the ev3.getConfiguration() object.

5.3. Remote control a robot

In the following examples we will control a robot (it can be always the same robot) in different ways.

5.3.1. A robot controlled with the remote beacon

The aim of the sample is to pilot with the EV3 beacon a robot made of:

  • 1 motor for a left wheel (or caterpillar)

  • 1 motor for the right wheel (or caterpillar)

  • 1 infrared sensor for the receiving remote beacon data

  • (option) 1 motor to launch ball (like in standard EV3 sample)

// Note: Please adjust the port to what is physically connected on your brick.

// Initialization (1)
var leftMotor = ev3.getBrick().getLargeMotor("C");
var rightMotor = ev3.getBrick().getLargeMotor("B");
var medMotor = ev3.getBrick().getMediumMotor("A");
var irSensor = ev3.getBrick().getIRSensor("4");

// Main loop (2)
while(ev3.isOk()) {
  var rc = irSensor.getRemoteCommand(); // (3)
  // Left motor (4)
  if(rc.isTopLeftEnabled()) {
  } else if(rc.isBottomLeftEnabled()) {
  } else {
  // Right motor (5)
  if(rc.isTopRightEnabled()) {
  } else if(rc.isBottomRightEnabled()) {
  } else {
  // Fire (6)
  if(rc.isBeaconEnabled()) {
      medMotor.rotate(3* 360);
      while(irSensor.getRemoteCommand().isBeaconEnabled() && ev3.isRunning()) {
          // Wait that the beacon button was released

// Finalization
// None (motors will be automatically stopped)
1 Here we retrieve all ev3 objects needed in the main loop.
Caution: The port has to match with what is physically connected on the brick
2 The "program" itself. We have 4 main parts:
3 We retrieve the value of the remote beacon. This value has to be retrieve at each loop because the value change according to the button enabled or not.
4 The motor for the left BELT which is managed, so we make the motor going forward/backward or stopped according to the buttons enabled.
5 The same for the right BELT motor.
6 While the beacon button was pressed: Fire a ball (3 turn of the mid-sized motor). While it’s done, we wait that the beacon button was no more enabled before return to the main loop (this is to avoid multi-fire).

In this sample, two buttons are associated to one motor, so we have something like that with our 4 buttons:

Beacon button: Special action (fire in out sample)

Top left button: Left motor forward

Top right button: Right motor forward

Bottom left button: Left motor backward

Bottom right button: Right motor backward

5.3.2. A robot controlled with the xGyro sensor

The aim of this sample is to pilot a robot with the gyroscope of a device.

The robot is to be made of:

  • 1 motor for a left wheel (or caterpillar)

  • 1 motor for the right wheel (or caterpillar)

You also need a device (computer, tablet or smartphone) connected to the EV3 (and running Gnikrap) with a 2 axis gyroscopic sensor.

// Note: Please adjust the port to what is physically connected on your brick.

// Initialization (1)
var left = ev3.getBrick().getLargeMotor("D");
var right = ev3.getBrick().getLargeMotor("A");
var xGyro = ev3.getXSensor("xGyro");

// Define a function that activate (or not) one motor with the given percentage (positive or negative) (2)
function activateMotor(motor, powerInPercent) {
    if(Math.abs(powerInPercent) < 10) { // (3)
    } else if(powerInPercent > 10) {
    } else if(powerInPercent < 10) {

// Main loop - This is the main program (4)
while(ev3.isOk()) {
    var gyro = xGyro.getValue();

    if(gyro.isStarted()) { // (5)
        var x = gyro.getX().getAngle();
        var y = gyro.getY().getAngle();

        var leftPower = 0;
        if(x > 10) {
            leftPower = -(Math.min(Math.round(2*x), 100)); // Back (-) => Forward (+)
        } else if(x < -10) {
            leftPower = Math.min(Math.round(2*-x), 100);
        var rightPower = leftPower;

        if(y > 10) {
            if(leftPower >= 0) {
                leftPower += Math.min(Math.round(y), 50);
                if(rightPower == 0) {
                    rightPower = -leftPower;
            } else {
                leftPower -= Math.min(Math.round(y), 50);
        } else if(y < -10) {
            if(rightPower >= 0) {
                rightPower += Math.min(Math.round(-y), 50);
                if(leftPower == 0) {
                    leftPower = -rightPower;
            } else {
                rightPower -= Math.min(Math.round(-y), 50);

        activateMotor(left, leftPower);
        activateMotor(right, rightPower);
    } else { // (6)
        activateMotor(left, 0);
        activateMotor(right, 0);

// Finalization
// None (motors will be automatically stopped)
1 Here we retrieve all ev3 objects needed in the main loop.
Caution: The port has to match with what is physically connected on the brick
2 We define a function that enable to make a motor, go forward, go backward or stop according to a power value (between -100 and 100)
3 We use the standard Javascript Math object in order to make our computations (See http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_math.asp)
4 The "program" itself. Two main cases:
5 1st case: xSensor is on, we compute the left motor and right motor power according to the x and y angle returned by the xGyro sensor (see below for more details on the motor power computation).
6 2nd case: xSensor is off, we ensure that the motor are stopped.
Motor power computation
  • The x axis is used to control the forward/backward direction.

  • The y axis is used to control the left/right direction.

  • The motor speed is proportional to the angle. The variation is computed from 10° and 50° (which is the maximum).

x < -10° -10° < x < 10° x > 10°

y < -10°

Go forward and left.

Move left in place, i.e. motor with opposite speed.

Go backward and left.

-10° < y < 10°

Go forward (no turn).

Don’t move.

Go backward (no turn).

y > 10°

Go forward and right.

Move right in place, i.e.(otor with opposite speed.

Go backward and right.

5.3.3. A robot controlled with the xTouch sensor

The aim of this sample is to pilot a robot with the keyboard on the screen of a device (can be with the mouse or with a tactile screen).

The robot is to be made of:

  • 1 motor for a left wheel (or caterpillar)

  • 1 motor for the right wheel (or caterpillar)

You also need a xTouch configured with 4 touches: up, down, left and right (see snapshot in The xTouch XSensor for a configuration sample).

// Note: Please adjust the port to what is physically connected on your brick.

// Initialization  (1)
var leftMotor = ev3.getBrick().getLargeMotor("D");
var rightMotor = ev3.getBrick().getLargeMotor("A");
var xTouch = ev3.getXSensor("xTouch");

function activateMotor(motor, powerInPercent) {  // (2)
    if(powerInPercent < 0) {
    } else if(powerInPercent > 0) {
    } else {

function activateLeftAndRightMotor(leftPowerInPercent, rightPowerInPercent) { // (3)
    activateMotor(leftMotor, leftPowerInPercent);
    activateMotor(rightMotor, rightPowerInPercent);

// Main loop - This is the main program (4)
while(ev3.isOk()) {
    var val = xTouch.getValue();

    if(val.isStarted()) { // (5)
        var up = val.containsTouch("up") && !val.containsTouch("down");
        var down = val.containsTouch("down") && !val.containsTouch("up");
        var left = val.containsTouch("left") && !val.containsTouch("right");
        var right = val.containsTouch("right") && !val.containsTouch("left");

        if(up) {
            if(left) {
                activateLeftAndRightMotor(50, 90);
            } else if(right) {
                activateLeftAndRightMotor(90, 50);
            } else {
                activateLeftAndRightMotor(90, 90);
        } else if(down) {
            if(left) {
                activateLeftAndRightMotor(-50, -90);
            } else if(right) {
                activateLeftAndRightMotor(-90, -50);
            } else {
                activateLeftAndRightMotor(-90, -90);
        } else {
            if(left) {
                activateLeftAndRightMotor(-50, 50);
            } else if(right) {
                activateLeftAndRightMotor(50, -50);
            } else {
                activateLeftAndRightMotor(0, 0);
    } else { // (6)
        activateLeftAndRightMotor(0, 0);

// Finalization
// None (motors will be automatically stopped)
1 Here we retrieve all ev3 objects needed in the main loop.
Caution: The port has to match with what is physically connected on the brick
2 We define a function that enable to make a motor, go forward, go backward or stop according to a power value (between -100 and 100)
3 We define another function that enable to control both motors with one function call.
4 The "program" itself. Two main cases:
5 1st case: xSensor is on, we compute the left motor and right motor power according to touches enabled.
6 2nd case: xSensor is off, we ensure that the motor are stopped.

5.4. A robot that stay in the video

See the video of this sample: Gnikrap xSensor: Webcam for Lego Mindstorm EV3

The aim of this robot is to have robot that stay in the video acquired by your webcam (that is connected/embedded to your laptop or tablet).

The behaviour of the robot will be quite simple: go forward and while your reach the border of the video, go a bit backward, turn and…​ go forward again !

The robot is to be made of:

  • 1 motor for a left wheel (or caterpillar)

  • 1 motor for the right wheel (or caterpillar)

You also need a device with a webcam that is able to make the xVideo sensor work at a minimun framerate of 20 FPS (frame per second, the value is displayed on top of the video).

// Note: Please adjust the port to what is physically connected on your brick.

// Initialization  (1)
var leftMotor = ev3.getBrick().getLargeMotor("D");
var rightMotor = ev3.getBrick().getLargeMotor("A");
var xVideo = ev3.getXSensor("xVideo");

// The margin in order to consider that we reach the border
var borderMargin = 80;

// Motor should not go too fast in order to don't "loose" the ev3

// Function in order to check if the ev3 is near from the xSensor "vision" border (2)
function isNearToBorder(visibleObject) {
    return (visibleObject.getX() < borderMargin) || (visibleObject.getY() < borderMargin)
        || ((visibleObject.getX() + borderMargin) > 640) || ((visibleObject.getY() + borderMargin) > 480);

// Function to move backward and make a random turn (3)
function backwardAndTurnRandomly() {
    leftMotor.rotate(-360, true);

    var r = 180 + Math.random() * 270;
    leftMotor.rotate(r, true);

function stopMotors() { // (4)

// Main loop - This is the main program (5)
while(ev3.isOk()) {
    var val = xVideo.getValue();

    if(val.isStarted()) { (6)
        if(val.containsObject("ev3")) { (7)
            if(isNearToBorder(val.getObject("ev3"))) {
                ev3.notify("Close to the border " + val.getObject("ev3") + ", need to change direction");
            } else {
        } else {
            ev3.notify("I don't find the 'ev3', please select it !");
    } else {
        ev3.notify("I don't see nothing, please start the xVideo sensor !");

// Finalization
// None (motors will be automatically stopped)
1 Here we retrieve all ev3 objects needed in the main loop.
Caution: The port has to match with what is physically connected on the brick
2 We define a function that enable to known if a VisibleObject object is near the border.
The function returns true if the VisibleObject is close to the border, false otherwise.
3 We define a function that enable the robot to change direction while it is close to the border.
In this function you have to notice the two different call to rotate(). We want both motor to run at the same time, so we request an immediate return of the rotate() function for the 1st motor.
Another point is the use of the method random of the standard Javascript Math object (See http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_math.asp)
4 Finally we define a function that stop both motors.
5 The "program" itself.
6 If the xSensor is on, go ahead, if off notify the user.
7 Then we check that an ev3 object is currently visible, if not notify the user.
If visible, we go forward until the border of the video. While the border has been reached, the ev3 make a turn and then go forward again.

5.5. Advanced usage

The syntax for some advanced feature can change in future versions of Gnikrap. This is not directly linked to Gnikrap but to the version of Java used:

  • the Javascript engine currently enbedded in Java7 is Rhino,

  • while the Javascript engine embedded in Java8 is Nashorm.

5.5.1. Import scripts

TODO - Will certainly be done while the switch to Java8 was done

5.5.2. Using existing Java API

You can use any java library that is in the classpath within the javascript script.

If you use leJOS directly it is important to don’t use the Gnikrap API ev3.getBrick(). Indeed, it can generate conflicts on the underlying resources, that is to say the EV3 hardware.

Here is an example where we use the leJOS API directly:

// WARNING: Don't use the ev3.getBrick() function if you make direct call to leJOS

importPackage(Packages.lejos.hardware); // For Button (1)
importPackage(Packages.lejos.hardware.motor); // For EV3LargeRegulatedMotor
importPackage(Packages.lejos.hardware.port); // For MotorPort

// Make the keyboard led green and blink
Button.LEDPattern(4); // 1 (green) + 3 (blink) (2)

// Use a motor
var motor = new EV3LargeRegulatedMotor(MotorPort.A); // (2)

while(ev3.isOk()) { // Can still use ev3 function (3)
1 You can import Java packages (don’t forget to prefix your package with Packages) in order to use the classes belonging to theses packages.
Caution: The importPackage syntax can change in future version of Gnikrap.
2 You can then use and instantiate Java object directly within the script.
3 You can also use ev3 function while needed.

You can also use "your" jar libraries (found on the internet or home-made). Simply put the library within the Gnikrap lib folder (this is the folder that already contains the other libs), and restart Gnikrap in order to have the libraries available.

You can now use the libs as described below.

6. Changelog


Current stable release is: 0.4.0


Version history:
 0.4.0 (28APR2015 - leJOS Firmware/Menu integration)
    - Easy use (no more need telnet/ssh/scp) / leJOS integration:
     - Automated GUI installation on Windows.
     - Shell script (for the EV3) for others platforms.
     - Gnikrap is installed as a leJOS 'Program', it can be launched directly from the leJOS menu
     - Shutdown EV3 brick / Stop Gnikrap (<=> return to leJOS menu) from the Gnikrap user interface
    - xGeo (GPS) xSensor added
    - Update versions of some library used (especially: leJOS updated to 0.9.0-beta)
    - Documentation updated

    - Fix:
     - API for the EV3 brick screen is now operational (include import of images for displaying on the EV3 screen)

 0.3.0 (30JAN2015 - xSensors):
    - Add xSensors (eXternal Sensors) feature:
      - xTouch (24 multi-touch on screen keyboard),
      - xVideo (video object tracking),
      - xGyro (gyroscope)
    - Rework and improve the GUI (now works fine on Android)
    - Improve the script API
    - Documentation updated, new samples added
    - Add automatic EV3 brick reconnection (in case of connection lost)

 0.2.0 (30NOV2014 - First public release):
    - Load/Delete/Save script added
    - About box added
    - GUI Internationalization (English and French are available)
    - Jackson JSON parser replaced by 'minimal-json' which is faster on the EV3 hardware
    - Documentation added
    - Improve the script API to manipulate the EV3 brick

 0.1.0 (private release):
    - Proof of concept: Ensure that the performance reached are acceptable
    - Simple API to manipulate the EV3 brick:
      - Battery
      - Sound: play tone, play note
      - Keyboard: leds and buttons
      - Screen (very limited support): only clear :-(
      - Touch sensor
      - Color Sensor: reflected, ambiant, color
      - IR Sensor: distance, seek beacon, remote command
      - Motors: speed, rotate, tacho "sensor", forward, backward


Features to add (no specific order):
 - Add import/export feature (save all the data on the ev3 in one operation)
 - Add real time sensor probes
 - Add port checking (auto detection for EV3 devices)
 - Add exit script (from the script) feature/function
 - Add a visual (or mix) code editing (better usability on tablets) (eg: GRAFSET - http://www.gojs.net/beta/samples/grafcet.html, Blocky: https://developers.google.com/blockly/)
 - Add API for other LEGO EV3 sensors (Gyro sensor, Ultrasonic sensor)
 - Add new xSensors (eg. xAudio) and other modes to existing xSensors (eg. video object detection for balls/round items, etc.)


Known defects:
 - (0.1.0 and following) - Screen API don't work - only clear working (Checked with lejos 0.6.0-alpha, to be confirmed with lejos-0.8.1-beta)
 - (0.3.0 and following) - Firefox on android, a cosmetic display problem on the xTouch xSensor
 - (0.3.0 and following) - Chrome on android, a display problem on the full screen mode


Work in progress:
 - Blockly